Price Calculator
This calculator is for estimation purposes only
Price List and Designs
All charges are based on per square inch (psi) or per linear inch (pli).
- Basting for Hand Quilting: $0.005
- Edge to Edge: $0.018
- Edge to Edge – Dense: $0.020
- Edge to Edge – with Border: $0.020
- Custom: $0.045 and up
- Micro Quilting: $0.035 and up
Minimum Charge $45.00
All designs are “hand guided” including pantographs from the back of the machine or “Freehand” work from the front of the machine. You can find a list of pantographs below. And custom designs are basically endless but you can find a small list of those below as well.
Design | Type | Density |
Asian (Bambo) | border | medium density |
Butterfly Bliss | edge to edge | dense |
edge to edge | dense | |
Interlocking Feathers | edge to edge | dense |
Lime Tree | edge to edge | dense |
Raging Flames | edge to edge | dense |
Symphony (music notes) | edge to edge | dense |
Tiger Swirls | edge to edge | dense |
Damask Feathers | edge to edge | medium density |
Soaring Eagle | edge to edge | medium density |
edge to edge | simple | |
Blossom | edge to edge | simple |
Blowin” Wind | edge to edge | simple |
Curly Q |
edge to edge | simple |
Drift | edge to edge | simple |
Hearts a Flutter | edge to edge | simple |
Paper Chase | edge to edge | simple |
Shooting Stars | edge to edge | simple |
Tulip | edge to edge | simple |
Wave | edge to edge | simple |
Design | Type | Density |
Mc Tavishing | background | dense |
Pebbling | background | micro |
Swag | boarder | dense |
Feather | boarder | medium to dense |
Swirl in a Star | boarder | simple to medium |
Crosshatch | custom | simple through micro |
Curved Crosshatch | custom | simple through micro |
Double Swirl | custom | simple through micro |
Piano Key | custom | simple through micro |
Quad Hook Swirl | custom | simple through micro |
Ribbon Candy | custom | simple through micro |
Triple Swirl | custom | simple through micro |
Wishbone | custom | simple through micro |
Chubby Leaf | edge to edge | dense |
Large Flower | edge to edge | dense |
Loopy Clams | edge to edge | dense |
Questionable Feathers | edge to edge | dense |
Feather Meander | edge to edge | simple |
Large Swirl | edge to edge | simple |
Loops | edge to edge | simple |
Loops and Stars | edge to edge | simple |
Hook Swirl | edge to edge | simple through micro |
Additional Charges
Quilting charges include 2 colors, after that an addition thread charge will be applied. A thread charge will be applied if you are requesting metallic thread or other specialty threads.
- Metallic Thread: $9.00 per color
- Silk Thread: $15.00 per color
- Additional thread colors: $5.00/color
Binding charges are based on per linear inch.
- Prepare binding with fabric provided by you: $0.08/in
- Machine binding on the longarm – front only: $0.10/in
Customers can either provide their own batting or choose from the list below.
- Hobbs 80/20 natural – Queen (96in): $8.35/yard
- Hobbs 80/20 white – Queen (96in): $8.36/yard
- Quilters Dream Black – Xdouble (96in x 93in): $23.00
- Quilters Dream Blend – Queen (96in): $10.00/yard
Piece backing
- Piece backing (1 seam): $10.00
- Piece backing (2 seams): $20.00
Square up
- Square up top: $15.00
- Square up backing: $15.00
Trimming Threads
$50.00 per hour
I do not enjoy trimming threads on my own quilts as it takes valuable time away from my quilting. But if you are will to pay me $50.00 per hour to trim the threads from the back of your quilt top I will be more than happy to do so.
Rush Charge
Do you need your quilt done in a hurry? I do not bump quilts from the queue, as I believe that it should be fair to everyone with a first come first serve basis. If a quilt is requiring a rush job it means that I will be working overtime and as a result a rush charge will be applied to the final invoice.
When a quilt is checked in I try to make sure that I check all of the seams, as sometimes they do come undone or slightly missed. It is better to fixed any open seams before the quilt is loaded on the frame. After checking your quilt in if a repair is needed you will be notified. I charge $5.00 for these kinds of repairs.